We believe the XR metaverse will only be better than today's online world when it reconnects our physical and digital lives and when the tools are accessible to diverse creators from all walks of life.
We built Yahoo Immersive from two productions in 2019 to more than 260 affordable, quickly-executed pieces between 2020 and 2022. We introduced millions of users and hundreds of creators to 3D storytelling. We have the production, product, and organizational insight needed to start and excel in XR.
Henry is a media innovation director with two decades training storytellers and leading entrepreneurial/intrapreneurial adoption strategies. He specialized cost-sustainable XR adoption techniques for newsrooms and successfully grew Yahoo from 3 pieces of XR in 2019 to 270 by 2022, with a 20x reduction in production costs.
Tim has spent the last 6 years crafting immersive journalism with the latest in VR/AR technology at the New York Times and Yahoo News. He developed systems and styles to integrate this work into these legacy institutions and proselytized to his colleagues to embrace and create their own work in these new mediums.
LinkedInSonny is an award winning immersive storyteller with the unique skillset required to both craft the narrative and write the code powering the experience. He has recently worked as an augmented reality producer, creative technologist and XR engineer and is an expert in photogrammetry and WebXR.